[xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#383408: xsltproc: problems with dblatex interaction

Andreas Hoenen andreas.hoenen at arcor.de
Wed Sep 27 20:31:40 UTC 2006

Some preliminary observations (further examination will follow):

Although many of these ugly looking warnings show up during a dblatex run, the
resulting pdf document looks exactly like before and as expected.  Thus at least
dblatex continues to work for all documents I have tested.

These warnings do not depend on the specific DocBook document, they show up
in each document I have tested.

I have tested each combination of the new and the previous versions of
xsltproc and dblatex against the transformation of a simple DocBook document to

xsltproc_1.1.17-4 - dblatex_0.1.10-1: warnings
xsltproc_1.1.17-4 - dblatex_0.1.9-3:  warnings
xsltproc_1.1.17-3 - dblatex_0.1.10-1: ok
xsltproc_1.1.17-3 - dblatex_0.1.9-3:  ok

Thus it seems to be the new xsltproc version causing the warnings.

The error line numbers actually refer to XInclude instructions.  But these
inclusions according to my understanding are conditional and should only be
executed when the containing XSLT template is invoked.  My test documents do not
contain any of the DocBook elements that invoke the these templates.

Andreas Hoenen
Andreas Hoenen <andreas.hoenen at arcor.de>

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