[xml/sgml-pkgs] Packages with udebs: should these be migrated to
Frans Pop
elendil at planet.nl
Sun Jan 28 21:58:07 UTC 2007
You are receiving this mail because you maintain one of the packages
listed below that produce a udeb. These packages have a newer version in
unstable than is currently in Etch.
If the version in unstable should be included in Etch, then please send a
request to unblock it to <debian-release at lists.debian.org>.
Package version in testing version in unstable
------------ ------------------ -------------------
expat 1.95.8-3.3 1.95.8-3.4
ltsp 0.99debian9 0.99debian10
xfsprogs 2.8.11-1 2.8.18-1
-------------- next part --------------
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