[xml/sgml-pkgs] Job Offer!!!

RAC MOTOR SERVICE UK. racwalla at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 17 04:00:16 UTC 2007

Good day,

This is an email from Rac Plc in United Kingdom. We would like to know

if you would be interested to work for us as a part-time job, which
would not disturb your current job or your current position?

We have our company here in United Kingdom and we deal on Car Buying,
Car care, Insurance, Training on how to drive, Loans and leasing,
services and so many more, we have few client from the USA/CANADA,
California, Florida, New York, Ontario, Quebec and so many other states
the USA/CANADA, but we have been having problems with most of our
clients from USA/CANADA, because some would prefer to pay by Cashiers
Check or Money Orders, which we can not cash here, but it's easy to
cash over there in the USA/CANADA.
This is why we are looking forward to get representatives around
the USA/CANADA that can be working for us as a part-time job, which we
willing to pay 10% of every money you receive from our clients. All
would just need to do is to help us get the payment from our clients,
get it cashed directly from your bank and send the money to us down
here in United Kingdom or to any of our local offices worldwide via
Money Gram outlet or western union money transfer.

We are looking for a reliable and trust worthy person, who would not
take our money and run away, but its always easy to track the person in
the USA/CANADA, but we just need to trust you that you will receive the
payment and send the money back to us.
   Another reason why we really need you to work for us is because the
cost of coming to the States to get the payment and go to cash it our
self, will be alot more stressful.

For Example you receive a payment of $2000.00USD
You deduct your income $200.00USD
Send to us: 1800.00USD and you pay the cost of sending from the
or from the money left with you after deducting your income.

So if you are interested, we would require your: Full Name, Home
Address City/State and Zip code, Telephone Number.
Also provide us details of where you work and your position in your

We do hope to hear from you as soon as possible,

Carter Rainne
RAC Motoring Services (RACMS)
Company No: 1424399
8 Surrey Street
United Kingdom

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