[xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#468865: Correction: GCONF to XSL doesn't correct the situation

Daniel Dickinson cshore at wightman.ca
Sun Mar 2 00:29:57 UTC 2008

I just tested again;
In the case of changing GCONF to XSL in the xmlns attribute, there is
output instead of an error message, but it is just the stylesheet.

And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early, 
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or 
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore
GnuPG Key Fingerprint 86 F5 81 A5 D4 2E 1F 1C      http://gnupg.org
No more sea shells:  Daniel's Weblog    http://cshore.wordpress.com
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