[xml/sgml-pkgs] HELLO

Andrew Modise andrewmodise_28 at msn.com
Tue May 5 14:44:02 UTC 2009

I work with a leading bank in South Africa,
I am asking for your assistance to present
you to my bank as a beneficiary to my
deceased client who before his death had
an account balance of $14.5M with my bank.
He is late Mr. Graham WIllaims;a businessman,
who died in 2004 with his family in a fatal
accident along Johannesburg/Pretoria Road.
We intend to use our positions as staff
of the bank to approve the funds to you
as a beneficiary but for your assistance
in this project you will get 40% of the
total funds ($14.5M).
If you are interested send your full names,
address,age,profession,phone/fax numbers to me.
So that I can contact you for further proceedings.
Mr. Andrew Modise. 
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