[xml/sgml-pkgs] Urgently.

Mr goodluck Attah attahmrgoodluck at yahoo.com.sg
Sun Oct 23 16:23:21 UTC 2011

Attn: Please.

I am Mr.Goodluck Attah from (AZLAS FINANCE LIMITED),

I have important information for this email's beneficiary, but first of all, I do not know if I am talking to the right person, I would like you to confirm if you are the owner of this email ID.So by your response, if you can Identify your name as we have it in our Data here, I will proceed and let you know what news we have for you.

I am taking this measure in order not to make any mistake because of the sensitivity of the information i have for you. once you receive my email call to confirm so that I will fish you out with the information immediately.

Awaiting your response

Mr.Goodluck Attah
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