[xml/sgml-pkgs] ODGS, Inc. | Software Development Service

Rickie Amado (PersuasiveSVC) rickie at olivedrabgs.com
Thu Apr 3 05:59:09 UTC 2014

Dear Customer, good day !

For more than 2 years now, ODGS, Inc. provided *Quality IT-related 
Services* to various industries like Restaurants, Manufacturing, BPO, 
Real Estate, as well as fellow IT companies, and more, with *Reasonable 
Cost*.  We provide *Inventory* System, *HR* System, *Billing* System, 
and other *Custom**ized**Software* solutions you may require.

Our company is composed of *Skilled Software Developers* who will help 
you build your required IT solutions.
We have teams of developers using *.NET* (C#, VB, ASP), *PHP* 
(CodeIgniter, Wordpress), as well as *Java* (Struts, Spring/Hibernate).

I would like to request a *5-minute call* to discuss how we can support 
you with your IT concerns.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon !

Roderick Amado
Olive Drab Global Services, Inc. (http://www.olivedrabgs.com)
Suite 22, Zeta Building, 191 Salcedo Street, Legaspi Village,
Makati City 1229, Philippines
Cellphone : +63-918-933-7301
Landline  : +63-2-553-7405 (Reception)
             +63-2-553-7406 (President's Office)

"Storms make trees take deeper roots."

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