[xml/sgml-pkgs] Daps

Sascha Manns Sascha.Manns at bdvb.de
Sat Dec 20 20:36:41 UTC 2014

Hello SGML/XML List,

actually i'm building a Debian package for DAPS 
(http://daps.sourceforge.net/). The package itself works, but i would 
like to register a catalog file.
I have pasted the content of the catalog on http://pastebin.com/uDkvkTHz
The file is placed on /etc/daps/catalog after installation.

Is it enough to write a debian/xmlcatalogs file with:

root-and-package;public;-//Novell//DTD NovDoc XML 

or should i add the systemids from <group xml:base="../daps-xslt/" to 
xmlcatalogs too?


Yours sincerly
Sascha Manns

Maifeldstraße 10
56727 Mayen
Phone: +49-1573-9242730
Email: Sascha.Manns at bdvb.de

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