katiexu95 at gmail.com katiexu95 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 22:21:40 UTC 2014

Dear Sir,

check the attachment for the profoma invoice.

agreement,note that attached is the amended purchase invoice and design for OUR shipment, because price in invoice was not our agreement after the confirmation of the order. kindly confirm that the stated prices are correct.

I expect to receive the shipment of goods within the specified time on this order. Get back to us with your confirmation and your profoma for payment arrangement.


Miss Katie Xu

Guangzhou Xin Yi Metal Co Ltd

Contact Person: Miss Katie Xu

Position: Sales Manager

Office Address: No.3 Kang Mei Road Fu Ling Industrial Park Tang Mei, Xin Tang Zeng Cheng.

Contact phone number: +86 572 1689 3600 or +86 62 1301 7000
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