[xml/sgml-pkgs] Mail Delivery Failure

Mail Delivery System MAILER-DAEMON at messagelabs.com
Thu Jun 11 07:42:34 UTC 2015

This is the mail delivery agent at messagelabs.com.

I was unable to deliver your message to the following addresses:

charlie.rutman at mpg.com

Reason: 550 charlie.rutman at mpg.com... No such user

The message subject was: --->SPAM<--- Pharmacy
The message date was: 10 Jun 2015 20:31:31 -0600
The message identifier was: 6C/D9-07951-AEB39755
The message reference was: server-12.tower-191.messagelabs.com!1434008553!12923326!1

Please do not reply to this email as it is sent from an unattended mailbox.
Please visit www.messagelabs.com/support for more details
about this error message and instructions to resolve this issue.

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