[xml/sgml-pkgs] Processed: py2removal blocks updates - 2020-02-22 15:35:02.119472+00:00

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Sat Feb 22 15:39:06 GMT 2020

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> # This is an automated script, part of the effort for the removal of Python 2 from bullseye
> #  * https://wiki.debian.org/Python/2Removal
> #  * http://sandrotosi.me/debian/py2removal/index.html
> # libxml2
> block 936941 by 951823
Bug #936941 [src:libxml2] libxml2: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
936941 was blocked by: 943200 937750 936299 937092 936442 936341 938341 936868 936511 936755 937325 936625 943072 936942 937298 938844 938873 938875 936806 936488
936941 was blocking: 937569 937695
Added blocking bug(s) of 936941: 951823
> # python-docutils
> block 937715 by 951822
Bug #937715 [src:python-docutils] python-docutils: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
937715 was blocked by: 943154 936658 937009 943132 943293 942917 938372 938654 936190 938682 938196 936362 938528 945656 936578 937511 936820 937196 936463 943092 938476 937960 937614 945722 943099 943297 938671 942965 936927 943242 937610 936219 943160 937446 936962 943037 936325 943179 937527 936634 938544 943206 937402 942928 938361 942905 936741 936336 943174 942910 936449 937427 936445 937094 942992 937759 938056 947295 937684 937616 938027 937451 937619 943269 937066 943190 936485 938579 936975 936132 936570 937317 938127 936815 942946 938419 936816 938810 936830 938838 936797 942949 938416 936724 937474 937510 936821 943063 943127 942937 938359 937415 937063
937715 was blocking: 937290 937446 937695 938147 938168
Added blocking bug(s) of 937715: 951822
End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
936941: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=936941
937715: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=937715
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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