[debiandoc-sgml-pkgs] Re: maint-guide: FTBFS:
debiandoc2latexps: ERROR: maint-guide.ja.dvi could not be generated
Danai SAE-HAN ( 韓達耐 )
danai.sae-han at edpnet.be
Sun Dec 17 00:35:57 UTC 2006
From: Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>
> > > http://people.debian.org/~frank/maint-guide.zh_TW.tex
> >
> > Ah, I think what's gone wrong: you need to run the "fixlatex" script
> > as well.
> > (Now that "-s" option will be coming in quite handy, Osamu. ;)
> That option wqas used to work around woody latex issues.
> It was not needed for sarge and etch as far as I understand.
The problem hasn't disappeared, and probably never will. :/
The reason is that Big5 encoding uses the backslash character in its
own encoding. That's pretty problematic for a language like TeX.
So what bin/fixlatex actually does is just the same as what the
command "bg5latex" does: fix all instances where a backslash is
encountered and make it TeX-readable.
It worked in the qref source because qref used the script in its own
bin/fixlatex. Perhaps it's best to re-enable the Perl lines in the
fixlatex script of debiandoc-sgml, to delete fixlatex from qref and to
make all packages refer to /usr/share/debiandoc-sgml/fixlatex
Problem is that when I do
$ debiandoc2latex -s /usr/share/debiandoc-sgml/fixlatex -l zh_TW maint-guide.zh_TW.sgml
I don't get a working .tex file, and when I do
$ debiandoc2latex -s /usr/share/debiandoc-sgml/fixlatex -l zh_TW maint-guide.zh_TW.sgml test.tex
the script doesn't expect an outfile.
/usr/share/debiandoc-sgml/fixlatex mentions that only
debiandoc2latexpdf expects an outfile. But even debiandoc2latexpdf
expects only one file, then inputfile. Could you fix this? Thanks.
> > I'm getting the maint-guide package and see how it is made.
> The build script s simple and straightforward. It does not have extras
> like index generation which Jens did for debian-reference.
Indeed, and it also compiles a lot faster. :D
I have got it working, after I ran the perl command in bin/fixlatex.
$ cat maint-guide.zh_TW.tex | perl -p \
-e 's/([\x80-\xff])\\textbackslash\{\}/$1\\/g;' \
-e 's/([\x80-\xff])\\textasciitilde\{\}/$1\~/g;' \
-e 's/([\x80-\xff])\\textasciicircum\{\}/$1\^/g;' \
-e 's/([\x80-\xff])\\\}/$1\}/g;' -e 's/([\x80-\xff])\\\{/$1\{/g;' \
-e 's/([\x80-\xff])\\\_/$1_/g;' | bg5conv > test.tex
$ latex test.tex
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