[debiandoc-sgml-pkgs] Bug#436931: Bug#436931: debiandoc-sgml: build exit with failure

Osamu Aoki osamu at debian.org
Sat Aug 11 01:35:23 UTC 2007

Hi, Thansk.  

Sorry for slow response since gmail spam filter ate your mail.

On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 01:18:11AM +0300, Kęstutis Biliūnas wrote:
> Hi Osamu,
> For the locale lt_LT.UTF-8 an inputenc in the LaTeX file must be
> 'utf8x', not 'utf-8'. The same for locale pt_PT.UTF-8.
> Also I have at the same time notice, that you not added the entry
> '\\usepackage[L7x]{fontenc}' in the LaTeX file for lt_LT.UTF-8
> locale. Please add it.

OK you seem to know much more than I do.

Since there are many languages and LaTeX data was quite ....
inconsistent.  I want to know why I make changes like this.

(Please assume that I have no idea on LaTeX).

In the modern configuration of this file (for next 1.2.2), I am trying
to use following template. 

(I know you wanted to set babel value independently in "before begin
document" but as I see they should be set in babel value.  Of course, if
we decide to do in your way, all other package needs to be changed too.
That may be also good idea.)

## -*- perl -*-
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Locale/en_US.ISO8859-1/LaTeX2e: locale for English output in LaTeX2e format
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%locale = (
	   'babel' => 'english',
	   'inputenc' => 'latin1',
	   'abstract' => 'Abstract',
	   'copyright notice' => 'Copyright Notice',
	   'before begin document' => '',
	   'after begin document' => '',
	   'before end document' => '',
	   'pdfhyperref' => 'hypertex'

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## -*- perl -*-
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Locale/en_US.UTF-8/LaTeX2e: locale for English output in LaTeX2e format
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%locale = (
	   'babel' => 'english',
	   'inputenc' => 'utf8',
	   'abstract' => 'Abstract',
	   'copyright notice' => 'Copyright Notice',
	   'before begin document' => '',
	   'after begin document' => '',
	   'before end document' => '',
	   'pdfhyperref' => 'hypertex'

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

My question are:
 * What name to use for babel?  Where should I look to find them?
 * I understand there is a need for inputenc, but do we need to specify
   fontenc for all languages?  What values to use for fontenc and where
   should I look to find them?
 * Where are utf8 and utf8x are defined and what are the difference.
 * What is the correct value for pdfhyperref: hypertex, unicode?

I would like to know where are these things are defined.  Where should I
look for possible values....

I am a bit uneasy to upload fixed files while not knowin even this.

Of course, I need to check CJK things too.  Their existing values are

I am inclined to remove babel /inputrc and move all to "before begin
document".  That is easier to understand too.

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