[debiandoc-sgml-pkgs] Contact Fedex Now( fedex_benin at hotmail.fr)

Drkar Alatmbj drkaralatmbj at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 3 03:05:45 UTC 2009

You are invited to "Contact Fedex Now( fedex_benin at hotmail.fr)".

By your host Drkar Alatmbj:

     Date:		Tuesday March 3, 2009

     Time:		3:00 am - 4:00 am (GMT +00:00)
     Location:		ATTN DEAR,It has been agreed and Resolved after much delay for you to receice your fund due for your settlement, Your draft worth of $700.000 has been finaly released to you in favour of your Name,You are directely advice to contact the fedx courier company for the delivery of your draft immediately Here is the email address of the Fedex courier express company(fedex_benin at hotmail.fr) were your draft is been deposited with the courier company for security reason's,Be informed that it's only the Fedex courier company were authorised to have your Draft deliver to you as instructed and sealed.Kindly let let us know immediately you receive your draft from the Fedx courier company Many thanks for your kind patience with us after much delay Best Reagrds Dr Smith Rogers DATED 03/03/09

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