[Debichem-devel] Bug#455530: , 455532: Update to new goffice.

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert at wgdd.de
Mon Dec 10 19:10:46 UTC 2007

tags 455530 + wontfix
tags 455532 + wontfix

Am Montag, den 10.12.2007, 23:35 +0530 schrieb Kumar Appaiah:

> Please consider transitioning gchempaint to use the new goffice in
> unstable, as the old goffice0.4 (libgoffice-0-dev) is now in oldlibs.


I have to reject your request. We already discussed this (with upstream
too) and decided in accordance to upstream (who is also part of the
goffice authors team) to not try to make this update with the 0.8
series. That's BTW also the reason, why there is gofficce 0.4 in
unstable [1].

One of the main difficulties would be, there there are big differences
between goffice 0.4 (BTW the *stable* goffice release) and 0.5 [1]. So a
major rewrite of the gcu/gcp code would be necessary. The current
development versions of gcp and gcu have already been migrated to
goffice 0.5 and the next stable series (0.10) will need a newer or equal
version of goffice.

BTW: Why are you requesting this change?

[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/goffice0.4/news/20071103T234127Z.html

Regards, Daniel

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