[Debichem-devel] Weekly infolist of updatable packages for the debichem project

Daniel Leidert dleidert-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 5 00:01:47 UTC 2009

Report for packages in wnpp

** Warning: tinker has no watch file wnpp/tinker/debian/watch. **
Processing watchfile line for package molden...
 Newest version on remote site is 4.7, local version is 4.6
 molden: Newer version (4.7) available on remote site:
   (local version is 4.6)

Report for packages in unstable

Processing watchfile line for package gamgi...
 Newest version on remote site is 0.13.11, local version is 0.13.10
 gamgi: Newer version (0.13.11) available on remote site:
   (local version is 0.13.10)

Processing watchfile line for package apbs...
 Newest version on remote site is 1.1.0, local version is 1.0.0
 apbs: Newer version (1.1.0) available on remote site:
   (local version is 1.0.0)

** Warning: qutemol has no watch file unstable/qutemol/debian/watch. **
Processing watchfile line for package gabedit...
 Newest version on remote site is 2.1.19, local version is 2.1.18
 gabedit: Newer version (2.1.19) available on remote site:
   (local version is 2.1.18)

Processing watchfile line for package pymol...
 Newest version on remote site is 1.0r2, local version is 1.1
 pymol: remote site does not even have current version

Processing watchfile line for package gausssum...
 Newest version on remote site is 2.1.6, local version is 2.1.5
 gausssum: Newer version (2.1.6) available on remote site:
   (local version is 2.1.5)

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