[Debichem-devel] Bug#511810: pymol: Alignments broken due to wrong path to BLOSUM matrix

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert at wgdd.de
Sun Feb 1 00:26:33 UTC 2009

Am Samstag, den 31.01.2009, 23:01 +0100 schrieb Daniel Leidert:
> This is probably the cause:
> ./modules/pymol/fitting.py:71:            mfile = cmd.exp_path("$PYMOL_DATA/pymol/matrices/"+matrix)
> ./modules/pymol/fitting.py:138:            mfile = cmd.exp_path("$PYMOL_DATA/pymol/matrices/"+matrix)
> PYMOL_DATA=/usr/share/pymol
> Easy to fix. (@Michael:) Should this be forwarded to upstream?

Not for upstream. I tried to summarize the issue in my mail to
debichem-devel (see the comments regarding 09_... and 17_...).


Regards, Daniel

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