[Debichem-devel] Jmol again

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert.spam at gmx.net
Sun Aug 22 22:23:21 UTC 2010

Am Freitag, den 20.08.2010, 14:51 +0200 schrieb Michael Banck:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:05:03PM +0200, Georges Khaznadar wrote:

> > However there is a big license issue, as the sources contain a
> > handful of jars coming from third parties, and only two of them seem to
> > exist in already available packages.
> Which ones?
> So far I succeeded (I think) in building jmol by doing a 
> find . -name "*.jar" | xargs rm -f
> in the clean target, followed by
> ant -Dlib.dir=/usr/share/java -Dvecmath.jar=vecmath.jar
> -Ditext.jar=itext1.jar -Dcommons-cli.jar=commons-cli.jar
> in the build target, using libcommons-cli-java, libjaxp1.3-java,
> libsaxon-java, libvecmath-java, libitext1-java as Build-Depends, see the
> above packaging.

There are IIRC more. Just search for "*.jar". Isn't Jmol still using
some old netscape classes, that have been removed from Debian a long
time ago?

> However, there are also a couple of code-drops in the src/ directory
> which are 3rd party, see below.
> The other problem is that jmol's build system seems to combine all those
> external jars into the main libjmol-java instead of linking to them, and
> (as I am no Java expert) I have not found a work-around for this yet.

Well, the "old" build.xml file used to contain two different targets for
this. I "re-added" this target after it had been removed. Taking a look
at my latest diff (attached) it's something like:

<jar jarfile="Jmol.jar">
    <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${deb.dir}/commons-cli.jar ${deb.dir}/itext.jar" />

and do not unpack the other jars into the build directory. Maybe Egon
could add an option to the upstream file: -Ddyn.link or similar.

Regards, Daniel

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