[Debichem-devel] Bug#420795: chemical-mime-data: Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-*'

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Mar 27 19:54:02 UTC 2010

[Daniel Leidert]
> KDE and a few other packages are causing similar messages. So I
> prefer a solution in update-mime-database, which I already
> requested.

I had a closer look, and did not quite understand what is going on.
The oregani package seem to add non-standard mime types, but its
entries do not cause warnings from update-mime-database, while
chemical-mime-data and a few others do cause such warnings.  I was
unable to figure out how these two packages differ.  Just mentioning
here, in case someone else is able to figure out how they differ and
perhaps change chemical-mime-data to avoid the warning.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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