[Debichem-devel] cdk packaging

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert at wgdd.de
Sun Jan 30 16:45:40 UTC 2011

Michael Banck wrote:

> cdk-1.2.x has been released a while ago, but not updated in the pkg-java
> repo.  Was there a reason for this?  Should we ask about moving it to
> the debichem repo?

CDK has several new dependencies, which have not yet been packaged. This makes
it complicated. CDK needs a maintainer familiar with Java and willing to
package and maintain its dependencies. Further the CDK upstream usually
includes every dependency in its source tarballs, which means repackaging.

I still have access to the upstream VCS and I'm willing to support every
packager. But I won't package the necessary dependencies and without them
CDK will stay outdated.

Regards, Daniel

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