[Debichem-devel] ITP: xcrysden -- visualization tool for crystalline structures

Tone Kokalj tone.kokalj at ijs.si
Mon Feb 20 20:26:24 UTC 2012

Hello debichem developers,

I am Anton Kokalj, the author of xcrysden package
(http://www.xcrysden.org), and I am also a debian user. 

I have debianized the xcrysden package. I also noticed that there was an
RFP long several years ago for xcrysden.

However, I do not know how to proceed (i.e., what steps to take to get
xcrysden package officially available in Debian) because there is too
much info @ Debian and I am confused what are the proper steps. Some
guidelines would be most welcome.

I have put the debianized xcrysden package at:


where you may inspect what I did (there are two packages: xcrysden &

Best regards, Tone Kokalj

PS: I will be offline up to Friday 24 February.

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