[Debichem-devel] alioth-based debichem.git seems to be un-clonable ?

Filippo Rusconi <lopippo@debian.org> sent from rusconi at mnhn.fr
Thu Jan 9 09:57:20 UTC 2014

Greetings Fellow Developers,

I am trying to clone the debichem.git repos at
alioth:/git/debichem/debichem.git but when issuing this command 

git clone lopippo at git.debian.org:/git/debichem/debichem.git

all I get is this:

Cloning into 'debichem'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done.

and then the local directory is empty.

Note that 

git clone lopippo at git.debian.org:/git/debichem/packages/massxpert.git

works just fine with the usual output:

remote: Counting objects: 12799, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2412/2412), done.

What is going on, have I missed something ?

Happy new year to you all,


Filippo Rusconi, PhD - public crypto key C78F687C @ pgp.mit.edu
Researcher at CNRS and Debian Developer <lopippo at debian.org>
Author of ``massXpert''     at http://www.massxpert.org

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