[Debichem-devel] OpenMM package for Debian/Ubuntu

"Steffen Möller" steffen_moeller at gmx.de
Thu Jan 23 09:08:37 UTC 2014

Dear all,

> [Andreas]
> thanks for your quick reply.

and apologies for my silence. At least I managed to inform Andreas about
the reply that I have to write :o)

> > 2. We're OK with what ever deployment/maintenance options you think is best
> > (Alioth, etc.). Having Debian download statistics would be really nice.
> As I said popularity contest is more about real usage (and not inly
> downloaded and deleted afterwards or installed but never used the
> binaries).

Everything that is installed for a week on a machine that has the
popularity-contest package installed is counted.
Numbers for Ubuntu are counted separately - and commonly about 8-10 times
larger than those for Debian. I admit not to have any clue about how it is
done for Mint. Your Debian-upload will (with some varying delay) appear
on all those Debian-derived distributions. It is also likely that
volunteers working for those Derivatives will contact you for backporting
to earlier versions of that respective derivative.

> > 2. What additional steps do we need to take on our end? Is
> > https://github.com/rmcgibbo/openmm-debpackaging sufficient?
> For the moment yes.  I'd welcome if you become a member of the project

Andreas meant some subset of your group to register on alioth.debian.org
(caveat, your account name will have a suffix "-guest" auto-added and you
need to add this manually for login) and then join Debian Med 
on https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med
via that conate hyperlink. In a separate email (already deleted, sorry) I 
recall to have read that he moved the OpenMM bits to the Debichem project,
i.e. away from Debian Med, but I did not find it there, yet. Anyway, it would
be good, indeed, so you also want to find the debichem project page
and join there, too. Andreas and I have our homes
more with Debian Med, but you will know the one or other individual from
your Cheminformatics science background on Debichem and like it there.

> we finally decide to put the package into and than you can commit your
> changes to git.debian.org.  This would be more convenient and
> transparent.

Looking forward to it,


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