[Debichem-devel] Bug#746515: Bug#746515: diff NMU for 5.0.2-5.1

Michael Banck mbanck at debian.org
Thu May 1 00:51:52 UTC 2014


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:51:30PM +0200, Anton Gladky wrote:
> Dear maintainer, I have prepared an NMU (versioned as 5.0.2-5.1)
> and uploaded to DELAYED/5. Please fell free to tell me if I should
> delay it longer, cancel or reschedule.

After thinking about it some more, wouldn't it just be as good to remove
the if/then/else hack?  I didn't follow closely, but isn't the libmpich
SONAME now again in line with the ARCH_DEFAULT_MPI_IMPL variable?


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