[Debichem-devel] Elpa-2015.11 interface change

Michael Banck mbanck at debian.org
Sun Nov 22 13:22:41 UTC 2015

Dear Elpa developers,

I had a look at the new Elpa-2015.11 release, and noticed (via
discussion in the CP2K development team) that there have been interface
changes since 2015.03, at least this one (from src/elpa2.F90):

  public :: solve_evp_real_2stage
 function solve_evp_real_2stage(na, nev, a, lda, ev, q, ldq, nblk,        &
+                               matrixCols,                               &
                                  mpi_comm_rows, mpi_comm_cols,           &
                                  mpi_comm_all, THIS_REAL_ELPA_KERNEL_API,&
                                  useQR) result(success)

The symbolic library changed its (internal library) version from 3.0.1
to 3.0.2, while I think it should be revved to 4.0.0 due to (at least)
the above change.  That would change the SONAME of the library from
libelpa.so.3 to libelpa.so.4, which is not the case:

$ objdump -p elpa-2015.11.001/.libs/libelpa.so.3.0.2 | grep SONAME
  SONAME               libelpa.so.3
$ objdump -p elpa-2015.05.001/.libs/libelpa.so.3.0.1 | grep SONAME
  SONAME               libelpa.so.3

Adding an additional function like solve_evp_real_2stage_2 with the
additional parameter would not have been an issue for the SONAME (it
would have increment the library version from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0), but
changing or removing a function signature usually needs an API bump.

Was this discussed prior to release, and/or can there be anything done
to rectify this?  Or is this not a concern for some reason?

Best regards,


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