[Debichem-devel] Bug#841096: espresso: FTBFS (make install fails)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Wed Nov 9 16:38:43 UTC 2016


The problem seems to be in the install target of the top-level
Makefile, which reads like this:

install : touch-dummy
        @if test -d bin ; then mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) ; \
        for x in `find . -path ./test-suite -prune -o -name *.x -type f` ; do \
                cp $$x $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ ; done ; \
        @echo 'Quantum ESPRESSO binaries installed in $(PREFIX)/bin'

This is the output of "find" in the machine where it does not fail:


and this is the output of "find" in the machine where it fails:


There are severl problems here:

* The directory "test-suite" should be excluded but it isn't.

* The output of "find" depends on filesystem ordering, it may be anything.

* The "cp" commands are concatenated using ";" and not "&&", which means
an intermediate "cp" command may fail as far as it's not the last one.

* If we are unlucky enough that "test-suite" is the last one, the whole
"install" target will fail, because copying a directory gives an error.

To reproduce the problem try forcing the output of the find command
so that the "test-suite" directory always comes last:

find . -path ./test-suite -prune -o -name *.x -type f | LC_ALL=C sort

Then I guess it will always fail for you as well.

The attached patch should probably work, it just ensures that the
"test-suite" directory is excluded from the output of "find".

I think it would be very good if you could forward this upstream so
that they fix the Makefile.

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