[Debichem-devel] Bug#992180: Bug#992180: MR with fix available Re: openmm FTBFS on amd64/arm64/ppc64el

Andrius Merkys merkys at debian.org
Fri Nov 24 07:30:01 GMT 2023

Hi Michael,

On 2023-11-23 19:25, Michael R. Crusoe wrote:
> Hello, I opened the merge request below to add SIMDe to this package; I 
> tested on the riscv64 porterbox where the build succeeded, included 
> tests. Likewise on my personal amd64 laptop.
> https://salsa.debian.org/debichem-team/openmm/-/merge_requests/1

Thanks a lot for helping porting openmm to more architectures! I have 
merged your PR and uploaded openmm.

> It won't fix the FTBFS on armel / armhf; that's due to them being 
> detected as arm64 and inappropriate NEON intrinsics being used

Thanks for spotting this, I will give it a look, although I understand 
very little about vectorization.

Best wishes,

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