[Debichem-devel] Bug#1056841: pymatgen: ftbfs with cython 3.0.x

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Jan 16 16:55:05 GMT 2024

Control: tags -1 pending


I've applied the patch in Git and also tried to upgrade to latest
upstream since there is a chance that other Python3.12 issues might be
fixed.  Unfortunately the upgrade is all but straightforward and
I gave up finally over the changes in the sphinx documention where
finally some files are missing.  I've created a branch 2023.12.18
which fails with

  Sphinx error:
  root file /build/pymatgen-2023.12.18+dfsg1/docs/apidoc/index.rst not found

I hope that my preliminary work might be helpful for the package
but I have to give up now due to time constraints.

Hope this helps


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