[Design-devel] looking for a Sphinx documentation theme (Debian Policy released)

Sean Whitton spwhitton at spwhitton.name
Tue Aug 22 17:32:26 UTC 2017

Hello Aurélien,

Thank you for cross-posting.

On Tue, Aug 22 2017, Aurélien COUDERC wrote:

> Is there a starting point like an existing theme or documentation on
> the theming process where people can have a look and hack around ?

This is upstream's page: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/theming.html

> Are there guidelines on the new design ? That it should somehow match
> other Debian web presence or existing Debian documentation themes ?

This is all open for discussion.

I would be in favour of having something that looks like our main
https://www.debian.org site, but that's really just my preference.

Sean Whitton
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