[Design-devel] logo for Debian's 25th anniversary blog post (and for people to share)

Laura Arjona Reina larjona at debian.org
Mon Aug 13 13:15:08 BST 2018

Hello dear Debian designers

This year we celebrate Debian's 25th anniversary (next 16 August 2018)
and we would like to add a picture or "special logo" to the traditional
blog post that we publish for Debian's birthday.

The initial draft for the blog post is here:


Would somebody of you help us with the picture/logo? If we get several
submissions, we would offer all of them so people can pick the one they
like to use in their "happy birthday Debian" messages, or in their
website etc to show that they use Debian.

I know that these days are holidays for many people, please accept my
apologies for sending this with so short margin (I've been trapped in
holidays too and having few time with computer in the last days/weeks).

Please send your proposals to our public list
debian-publicity at lists.debian.org, or to press at debian.org if you need
them not to be public until a certain moment (in that case, explain in
your mail so we add the file to the git repo when appropiate), including
the exact text for author attribution, and the license(s).

Laura Arjona Reina

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