[Filesystems-devel] Bug#875620: aufs-dkms: Please enable compilation with kernel 4.13

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Thu Oct 5 09:37:02 UTC 2017

Control: severity -1 serious


> I tried aufs with kernel 4.13-rc7 from experimental and it seems to
> compile and work well. Please consider enabling this kernel in
> dkms.conf.

Too bad this didn't happen before 4.13 reached sid and gets
depended on by linux-image-amd64 ⇒ bumping severity to RC.

I wanted to propose a Git branch ready to merge, but the latest tag
pushed to Vcs-Git is debian/4.11+20170703-1 (and the master branch
matches), which makes it harder to help than I would like.


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