[Fingerforce-devel] Resume of DebConf team meeting and long term plans

UlisesVitulli uvitulli at fi.uba.ar
Wed Aug 20 16:10:52 UTC 2008

During DebConf, most of FingerForce team members have had the chance to
met face to face and discuss some stuff that are really matter us here:
What would we do about libusb (async and sync) && fprint project in Debia=

We are facing a really difficult decision: To fight with the possible
troubles of introducing a library in which other 115 packages depends
on, including critical ones as gnupg; or simply to have no support at
all for fingerprints readers in Debian.

Fortunately, the Debian maintainer of libusb is *quite* accessible to
discuss and opened for ideas.
For our surprise he already had async libusb in sight, and purposed us a
incredible short time to upload a experimental libusb-1.0, for us to
package new fprint development and upload it too.

For the record, in concern to #469059[1], we talked about forking
thinkfinger PAM library to work with libfprint, which in any case would
arrive at end of the process of introducing libusb/openusb/whichever
async lib into unstable(?) branch. This discuss was *very preliminary*,
though. We have to check others stuff first.

I personally thanks Aurelien for such a good predisposition to talk and
resolving, it's really a pleasure to work with people like this  :-) 



1. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D469059

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