[Fingerforce-devel] Bug#512735: libfprint0: fails with 2.6.28-1

UlisesVitulli uvitulli at fi.uba.ar
Thu Apr 30 23:23:29 UTC 2009

Hello OdyX!

I take the opportunity to update this bug and put up with some news.

I've been talking with libusb Debian maintainer and he confirmed our
guess about some issues relating 2.6.28 kernels.
These are the alternatives:
- use 2.6.29
- use 2.6.28.X with X >= 4
- use <= 2.6.27
2.6.28 to have the usb broken.

On the other hand, as I already mentioned before, there's going to be a
completely new and backwards compatibility broken branch of libfprint,
unfortunately, it seems that upstream GIT repository has been dead for
more than a month, and nobody gives life signals in its mailing lists.

Hope there will be some news from them soon!



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