[Fingerforce-devel] What about packaging fprintD

UlisesVitulli uvitulli at fi.uba.ar
Sat Jan 24 01:40:53 UTC 2009

Didier Raboud escribió:
> Hi, 
> what about packaging fprintD ?
> It 'seems' to have a little more support and upstream activity than fprint 
> itself...
> I just began to learn packaging, so I would like to try, but can't garantee 
> anything.
> Regards, 
> OdyX
> (Keep me CC'ed, I'm not on the list).
Hi Didier!

I think you misunderstood something. fprintd is a DBus daemon who talks
directly to libfprint (which in the same way talks to hardware throw
libusb :-) ). It's not a different project or something like that, it's
a different piece of software which complements fprint project. It's no
more than a communication channel between Applications using DBus and
fingerprint readers.

BTW, we are on the road adjusting last pieces and doing some QA on the
new async fprint software.
News are coming fast soon, so Stay tuned!


vlady <at> Melee: ~$ grep -ir 'power in your hands' /proc/
/proc/version: Debian GNUine Perception

BOFH excuse #356: the daemons! the daemons! the terrible daemons!.

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