[Fingerforce-devel] Bug#683863: libfprint0: udev rules not applied when libfprint0 is installed

Marco d'Itri md at linux.it
Sat Aug 11 02:00:57 UTC 2012

On Aug 05, Didier Raboud <didier at raboud.com> wrote:

> > this can be done with the "udevadm trigger" command.  By default, this
> > will trigger change events for all devices.  I'm not sure whether that
> > could have undesirable consequences.  You could limit the events to just
> > fingerprint readers with a series of
> > 
> >     udevadm trigger --attr-match=idVendor=xxxx --attr-match=idProduct=xxxx
> > 
> > Possible dh_installudev should help you with this.
> As mentionned above, I don't think it's libfprint's job to handle this: if 
> deemed useful, it should be done by dh_installudev (that doesn't do much else 
> than installing the udev rules file) or by a udev dpkg trigger.
> I'm CC'ing the udev maintainer to have his input on this. Marco: opinions?
OP is correct: this kind of rules are not magically applied to existing 
devices when they are installed, so your package needs to use udevadm 
trigger in postinst to synthesize change uevents for the installed 

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