[Fingerforce-devel] Bug#502138: fprintd: changing back from ITP to RFP

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud odyx at debian.org
Mon May 14 10:00:18 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Le 22.02.2011 12:32, Luca Capello a écrit :
> IMHO we should move away ASAP from libpam-fprint (deprecated) to fprintd
> and then check if the libpam-fprint's bugs are still valid:


I have spent some time packaging fprintd for Debian, with (late)
inspiration from David Jurenka's nice PPA packages [0]. This work can be
seen at [1].

Two patches are needed: one to put fprintd in /usr/sbin and the other
one to fix a pam-fprintd.so segfault on machines without fingerprint
reader (such as the virtual machine I was testing on).

[0] https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/fprint
[1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=users/odyx-guest/fprintd.git

I plan to upload the above (after push of the packaging to collab-maint)
before the end of the week; I would of course welcome co-maintainers and
any comments.



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