[Fingerforce-devel] fprintd and libpam-fprintd in debian-testing

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud odyx at debian.org
Thu Aug 20 19:09:47 BST 2020

Le mardi, 18 août 2020, 14.49:13 h CEST Hendrik Boll a écrit :
> Hi there,
> i was wondering if there is a reason that no release candidate of the
> two mentioned packages is available for the testing branch of debian?
> they are available in stable and especially sid.

Thank you for reaching out. Later versions of fprintd and libpam-fprintd are 
available in experimental: 

Unfortunately, fprintd got removed from testing [0] because of [1] (FTBFS with 

As for why the fprintd/libpam-fprintd are not in unstable; you should talk to 
Laurent (in CC). It seems our paths on these packages have not crossed, and I 
personally haven't touched these since 2016. Laurent: you should probably 
remove me from uploaders (and add yourself); if by any means you consider my 
uploaders' status to be blocking you, by all means feel free to do what feels 
best for fprintd!


[0] https://tracker.debian.org/news/1166994/fprintd-removed-from-testing/
[1] https://bugs.debian.org/957225
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