[Freedombox-discuss] Finding a good place to start

Jon Spriggs jon at sprig.gs
Wed Oct 6 12:00:30 UTC 2010

On 6 October 2010 12:22, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> My FreedomBox should *not* include...
>  * C# code: too big on disk
>  * PHP code: too risky
> When ready, my FreedomBox should probably add...
>  * Web-based mail reader
>   + Preferrably non-PHP code
>  * Diaspora or similar
>  * YaCy or similar
>   + Preferably non-Java code

Just out of interest, why say that PHP code is "too risky"? I was
under the impression that PHP code is only as "bad" as the developer
writing their code. You've got as much risk with PHP as you do with
Python or Perl (as all three are interpreted), however, there are a
lot of poorly written projects which use PHP, with names like
PHPMySuperFantasticProject, giving the impression that the fault lies
in the language rather than the project. This trend of naming projects
with the programming language being used tends not to be the case for
C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl or Ruby projects.

Recent versions of PHP will still allow you to create flawed
applications, however, the same can be said for pretty much any
language, compiled or interpreted.

I'd like to hear your reasons for preferring not to use PHP,
especially as many of the federated social networking applications
that are around at the moment are written in PHP.

All the best,

Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs

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