[Freedombox-discuss] Leaving the (proprietary) cloud - my roadmap for FB

Alistair Davidson alistair.l.davidson at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 15:29:34 UTC 2010

> IIRC the last "distributed email" discussion on this list ended up on the
> problem of having a reliable smtp server on a box that might not be always
> online. As it was spotted, SMTP supports this case by having the ability
> to have secondaries MX, but then the problem was to store data on this
> (probably untrusty) MX.

An important question to me: can we extend this principle to other services?
In particular, mirroring public-facing web pages such as a diaspora/gnu
social page so that it is never offline but never hosted insecurely? This
may require the user action to establish a web of trust - eg this is my best
mate, he can host even my sensitive social networking content, this other
person is a work colleague and cannot.

Alistair Davidson
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