[Freedombox-discuss] started: dockstar, debian, nginx and tor hidden service

Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson bre at beanstalks-project.net
Sun Oct 10 00:29:17 UTC 2010

2010/10/9 Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson <bre at beanstalks-project.net>

> Very cool!
> As I write this, I am going through a similar process myself, except
> instead of a plug device, I'm installing into a small VirtualBox image
> (512MB), so I can play with it on my laptop. Once I've reached the same
> point as you, I was thinking about just compressing the image and uploading
> it somewhere so others could download it and play with it.

OK, as promised: http://ohno.klaki.net/FreedomBox/

It's so rough as to almost be pointless - it's really just a bare Debian
(lenny) install and a shell script which goes through the steps described by
Erich above. But at least it got me to play with VirtualBox and tor, both of
which are awesome. :-)

Please use the torrent if you can, I pay for the bandwidth on that box - or
just install Debian yourself and try the fancy shell script.

The shell script actually does surprisingly little - it apt-get installs a
bunch of packages, tweaks a few config-files and runs some tests. That said,
don't run it on a live system! Fresh installs only please.

This image is incidentally almost certainly too small. I chose 512MB
deliberately to match the size of the flash disk in the GuruPlug, but even
with a bare-bones Debian install, there's very little space left. I think
generally people are expected to install external drives or flash cards to
make the plugs more usable, but space is probably going to be one of the
constraints this project will have to think about at some point.

So far nobody has commented on the idea of collaboratively working on an
image like this, and I'm not sure myself whether it's a realistic idea. But
if people want to give it a shot, I can leave one of these running somewhere
and open up ssh access to it.

Bjarni R. Einarsson
Founder, CEO and janitor of the Beanstalks Project.

http://beanstalks-project.net/  ~  http://bre.klaki.net/
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