[Freedombox-discuss] Leaving the (proprietary) cloud - my roadmap for FB

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 00:34:57 UTC 2010

On 8 October 2010 12:54, Arthur Lutz <arthur.lutz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I think of the FreedomBox and leaving the cloud, the first thing
> I think about migrating is not my email. One of the reasons is that
> I'm quite dependent on it and don't really want an adjustment period
> right now for this tool. When I think about leaving the cloud, I want
> to migrate the least "critical" services first, so I can start
> trusting my FB (stability, security use etc.)
> This is why I've started a list of things I use (or are popular) on
> the cloud with opensource equivalents that could be self-hosted
> (hopefully on an FB). Here is my list so far, some of the services I
> have already migrated to a hosted server or a QNAP at home (which I
> haven't migrated to debian yet [1]) :
> * google reader (RSS) -> tiny rss
> * flickr -> gallery
> * gmail -> imap + webmail
> * wordpress -> self-hosted wordpress
> * delicious -> ?
> * dropbox -> sparkleshare or ifolder
> * twitter/identica -> self-hosted statusnet
> * last.fm -> self-hosted libre.fm
> * gtalk -> jabber

gtalk -> OneSocialWeb?

> * google calendar -> ?
> * film log -> filmaster
> * google search -> yacy
> * skype -> ?

Skype -> Empathy?

> * facebook -> diaspora
> * music streaming sites -> ampache or tin can jukebox
> I have always found it quite useful using theses services even tough I
> wasn't happy with the licences and terms and conditions, and am always
> hoping for an opensource equivalent. For some services, some software
> is mature enough for the switch.
> I think we can also distinguish a classification for each of these services :
> * self-hosted
> * self-hosted talking to proprietary equivalents
> * self-hosted talking to other self-hosted
> Finally, I think the adoption of a FreedomBox would benefit from
> out-of-the-box equivalents to popular web2.0 websites such as those
> mentionned above (sorry I don't really want to advertise these). Maybe
> we can use the Map of Online Communities (2010) drawn by XKCD :
> http://xkcd.com/802/ as an inspiration for the targeted services we
> would facilitate.
> Hope this helps, if people think it's relevant, maybe we can start
> documenting these equivalents (and the migration documentation?) on
> the wiki.
> Arthur
> [1] http://www.cyrius.com/debian/orion/qnap/ts-109/
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