[Freedombox-discuss] Animated Freedombox logos

Joshua Spodek joshuaspodek at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 2 19:18:15 UTC 2011

A couple people wrote with suggestions and improvements to the logo I
posted about before.

First, thank you!

I love the suggestions, but I also should have mentioned my limitations
in editing the file now. This one came to be because I happened to catch
Nina when she was free for a few hours. I doubt I'll get her to work on
it again soon since she's busy and I run GNU/Linux only, so I can't edit
the flash files.

I did figure out how to post the raw flash (.fla) file to my blog (at
the bottom of http://joshuaspodek.com/animated-freedombox-logo), which
being distributed cc-by-sa, in the hopes people will adopt, change, and
share the file for their purposes and according to their tastes. In the
long run, I feel freely distributing code and creations is the best way
to get variety, multiple voices, and culture in general.

I'm hoping people don't just have ways to improve it, but also find
places to put it and help make progress on the Freedombox project.


Joshua Spodek
My blog: www.joshuaspodek.com

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