[Freedombox-discuss] Distributed Naming BOF Questions

Marc Manthey marc at let.de
Sun Aug 7 07:03:33 UTC 2011

> ´
>  On a related note, there have been a lot of discussions on this  
> list about "darknet". I have read Wikipedia and I am still confused.  
> If, FBX were to use darknet, do I lose contact with my friends on  
> the DNS system. My only wish is that whatever FBX naming scheme is  
> chosen that I will always be contactable without having to change my  
> contact address
> I look forward to reading what is the current thinking of the  
> project, because I do not know what decisions were made after the BOF.

morning all

I am looking around for some time now , but such SUPERMEGA  "decentral  
DNS system"
does not exist IMHO, i just found papers, brainstorms  and wikis but  
no working code
or examples


and we still need to keep the mesh aspect in mind,

so the question could be "how does B.A.T.M.A.N. Babel , OLSR  handle   
the DNS aspects ?

Anyone ?

>> Does anybody know what I2P does for name resolution?

good question !!!



--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
blog: http://let.de
project : http://stattfernsehen.com
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