[Freedombox-discuss] report on activities in Banja Luka

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 16:49:28 UTC 2011

thank you,
nice summary,

> Another thing that became fairly clear to me during discussions at Debconf is that in the near term, planning to build communication services around XMPP is the approach most likely to give good results. Investigating the software choices available to build an interesting XMPP infrastructure is now a high priority for me. Jonas has done some work towards configuring and integrating ejabberd or Prosody, I've started studying yate as a possible call manager and VoIP server choice with XMPP/jingle support, and we await with great interest a release from the Buddycloud developers to evaluate as a possible basis for deploying social network services.

Interesting, we'll compete and federate with Buddycloud as

I want to organize the chat(XMPP, not IRC) conference between FBX
TAC(+any interested in FBX and development of FBX social services) -
XCCC - Etherpad Foundation - Buddycloud to brainstorm about XMPP,
overall social approach of FBX, perspectives and other variants.

Working title "Social networking with FreedomBox"

What do You think?

> Some of these software choices will lead us to use Apache as our web services base technology because of the need for features that only it supports well among daemons that are Free Software.
could you describe - what Nginx could need to do or could actually do,
as it would be considerably faster and more scalable for certain

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