[Freedombox-discuss] Do we need a UI/UX Expert?

John Walsh fiftyfour at waldevin.com
Sat Aug 13 03:39:12 UTC 2011

Hi James,

> > What problems still exist in social networking that we need 
> a UX expert?
> > What do people think?
> UX is more than just UI and knowing what labels to use.  
> Expertise in this area is a priority.  I'm putting the 
> finishing touches on the Working Groups doc this weekend, and 
> the WG focused on such issues is going to need some real 
> expertise to succeed.
When I first read about FBX, I learnt that existing applications would be
packaged together. I imagined I would have to login to each application ala
Yahoo, i.e. a different UI for each application with a global navigation bar
linking the applications. Recently, I learnt that with the use of subkeys
"under the hood" you can easily move between the applications without
needing to manually login to each application which means FBX's UX would be
better than Yahoo - kudos. I also found out recently about Friendika and was
quite surprised at a level of functionality equal to Facebook's core
offerings and a reasonable UI. 

Now that I have better explained my pov, you can see why I asked the
question what problems still exist. I just wanted to know from wiser heads
what was missing from this picture. I look forward to your doc to learn more
about this subject.

-- fiftyfour  

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