[Freedombox-discuss] China praises UK's "Internet Censorship Plans"

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 14:09:14 UTC 2011

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/08/16/0019248/China-Praises-UK-Internet-Censorship-Plan
> have i said enough times now that the
> software actually needs to be written

We have plenty of software.

What we need is hardware.

We must co-own the network.

We, the people who pay all the costs of the network,
We, the people who also pay profit because we buy,
We, the people who buy because we do not co-own,
We, the people who do not co-own because we ...

... Because we do not know how to scale that sharing
to a size that directly competes with the current offerings.

If the millions of people on a cell-phone network were
to pool their funds, they could buy the networks away
from the current owners.

By paying ourselves in product itself (connectivity),
we will not be selling the product, for it is the ROI we
accept in return for the risks we took as investors.

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