[Freedombox-discuss] DHTs and Names

Marc Manthey marc at let.de
Fri Aug 19 16:43:20 UTC 2011

On Aug 19, 2011, at 12:56 PM, Isaac Wilder wrote:

> So, instead of a simple (unique) name -> address pairing, you've got
> to have something more like name -> catchphrase -> public key ->
> (current) v4 + v6 addresses. When a box moves from subnet to subnet,
> it updates the final entry in that chain. I'm not quite sure of the
> details on a multi-stage hash like that, but I see no reason why it
> wouldn't work. Then, once you've got the identity worked out, you
> store the public key of the *right* Eben Moglen locally, along with
> their address.

hi there

This naming conflict isnt new , in zeroconf / bonjour they just add an  
ascending number at the end of the users given device name.
  "eben_moglen(1)" , eben_moglen(2),eben_moglen(3) for e.g.

IMHO, how this could work is discribed in this paper
"Persistent Personal Names for Globally Connected Mobile Devices"  http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/papers/uia:osdi06/
( yes i know its very technical, but to make even a 14 year old kid  
understand what needs to be done,  the engineers needs todo all the  
work )

Another good explanation from  dr. stuart cheshire about some facts in  
naming conflicts "Why GUIDs are not ideal as service identifiers"  http://www.dns-sd.org/DNS-SD-GUIDs.html

I am not aware if you know about the "socialVPN" project whitch is  
based on Brunet, DHT, ipop, groupVPN

Code and readme  https://github.com/davidiw/brunet/tree/testing

Just my 2 cents


--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
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