[Freedombox-discuss] DHTs and Names

Nicolás Reynolds fauno at kiwwwi.com.ar
Fri Aug 19 17:29:38 UTC 2011

El 19/08/11 11:43, bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org dijo:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 11:34:34PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> > 
> > Hi.  I'd like to understand how these human readable names that we're
> > going to insert into a DHT are going to work from a security standpoint.
> >
> > What stops me from taking your name?  What stops me from taking names
> > similar to yours?
> > 
> > I'm skeptical of the advisability of globally scoped non-hierarchically
> > registered human readable names and would like to understand the service
> > model and goals for this proposal.
> I'm not sure someone will have a good answer to this question, as you
> raise an issue that is for sure not that easy to solve (also called
> nowadays the Zooko triangle).
> You can find some resources on the page I creates yesterday:
> http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/DistributedNaming. Or maybe is because
> of this page that you are asking?
> I2p has an interesting way to solve this issue: it uses a pure DHT
> (kadmelia) as a backend, and on top of that people use so called
> "Adressbooks", which enable them to put "petnames" on entries of this DHT.
> There is one global addressbook, but people can override it with their
> local one. This personnal adressbooks can also be shared, so that you can
> use the addressbook of a friend that is in your WOT and then call different
> remotes the with the same name than your friend.
> http://www.i2p2.de/naming.html and
> http://www.i2p2.de/naming_discussion.html 
> Seems like a lot of use believe that the DNS has too many issues that
> conflict with FBX project, so an alternative naming scheme should be
> investigated.
> bert.

If names can be claimed by using openpgp and trust paths can be figured out by
keysigning, why not use it for distributed domain name registration?

Nicolás Reynolds,
xmpp:fauno at kiwwwi.com.ar

OTR: C0CB1F0F 01DB5E18 2D634C2A A4626858 E7C7C3A2


"Freedom [...] is messy" ~ Eben Moglen
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