[Freedombox-discuss] Sunday US-morning/euro-afternoon hacker session in #freedombox on irc.oftc.net

Michiel de Jong michiel at unhosted.org
Thu Feb 17 08:24:55 UTC 2011

Wow, the other thread "Why is this mailing list so quiet?" clearly
disproved, or at least undid, its title. :) Really exciting!

I completely agree with Jonas that the way to get to a finished project is
probably by making a Debian Pure Blend from existing packages, and not by
designing a control panel. I'm not entirely sure where I stand about the
need-for-a-leader issue. As Bjarni said, I think the freedombox foundation
(when they present themselves on this list) could, and probably will,
propose a leader at some point.

I myself would like to work on something in between packaging and control
panel design. The main reason is that packaging is not a skill I have, or
expect to have any time soon, and that I think control panel design is not
where I would start. I would like to just experiment with an example server,
install some services on them, and see how they run. Sort of like a live
demo. Just see if we can get it working, get our hands dirty, explore
questions and issues that arise as we go along, and have some innocent geek

I think this exploratory process could serve to quickly find problems and
discussion points that we would otherwise find next year, when putting all
the packages together. The product/result would be a VM snapshot of some
kind, that obviously wouldn't be a shippable (let alone maintainable!), nor
would it aim to be. But it could maybe serve as a focal point for what we're
talking about when the real Debian people assemble the real Pure Blend.

If in the end our VM snapshot does not get looked at, well, at least I will
have had some fun, and mostly, learned something about FreedomBoxen and how
(not) to build them, which I think in itself is valuable enough.

Let me know if anyone thinks this is a bad idea, or could be harmful to the
project process in any way. If not, then on Sunday
US-morning/euro-afternoon, people who think this could be fun, are welcome
to join me and at least one more person to brainstorm about what we think
of http://www.freedomboxfoundation.org/goals/ , and how we can set up a VM
snapshot and/or live demo on a public server somewhere that achieves some of
these seven goals. We can meet in the IRC channel that is mentioned on the
wiki, which is #freedombox on irc.oftc.net .

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