[Freedombox-discuss] need-for-a-leader issue

Jonathan Roberts jonrob.one at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 17 14:08:27 UTC 2011

> I think the question is not so much in having a leader, but more on
> providing concrete tasks for those wanting to contribute but lacking an
> overview or insight to spot in what form contributions can possible be.

Agreed - I don't really see a leader as someone who makes decisions,
but rather someone who facilitates the work of everyone else.

> One way to provide that is by a clueful leader. Another, which I feel is
> more Debian-style and is my preference, is to see the providing-clues not as
> a leader task but a community task: Anyone having a clue about questions
> thrown at this list, on IRC or anywhere else seek to actively provide it -
> and preferrably provide it where it is most exposed, e.g. post a clue to the
> mailinglist even if asked at IRC so more are likely to receive it.

Providing clues should always be a community task, though I wouldn't
think it would be a bad thing to have someone who collates this
information from time to time, ensures that the wiki is updated and
can point new people in the right direction or identify people who
might need some more resources. That's more what I was proposing in my
other e-mail, more like a secretary than a leader, I suppose.

> It probably feels odd with all the many choices ahead of us to not "vote"
> for a direction, or have a leader choose on for us, but remember that we are
> all volunteers here, not hired for the task: If a leader or a democracy
> outruled CoffeeScript or PHP or PageKite as The Way, then the result most
> likely would be a loss of volunteers rather than a more concentrated effort
> in those other directions ruled in.

This is a slightly different issue, I think. I have sympathies with
both points of view, and perhaps any kind of absolute ruling would be
a bad thing, but I do think it would be useful for the project and
everyone involved if there was some co-ordination of work and everyone
was working towards the same goal, rather than similar but slightly
different goals (although I suppose the latter is more evolutionary
and could work).

Anyway, as I said before, I'll sit back and watch out for ways I can
help. Best of luck, all :)


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